Aglaia Oncology Funds

Gebouw: 92
Parkeerplaats: 7 of 11

Aglaia invests in oncology drug development companies. Aglaia has a proven ability to select and mature early-stage breakthrough inventions that have the potential to transform cancer treatment.

Decades of experience

The Aglaia team has decades of experience in cancer research and oncology drug development. Since 2004, Aglaia has built an excellent reputation in starting up biotech companies that focus on oncology drug development.
Aglaia is committed to define the strategic directions of the companies it invests in in close collaboration with innovators and entrepreneurs. Aglaia brings hands-on experience in designing research and development plans, ranging from early screening and animal feasibility studies through clinical studies.

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Aglaia Oncology Funds

Aglaia Oncology Funds

Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10-92
3723 MB Bilthoven

Telefoonnummer: 030-229 60 90

Navigatie adres en route informatie

  • Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10 – Bilthoven
  • Aglaia is gevestigd  in gebouw 92
  • Hiervoor vervolgt u de route op het park rechtsaf door de slagbomen aan uw rechterhand. Doorrijden tot parkeerplaats P7 of P11. De parkeerplaatsen staan oplopend genummerd.
  • Vanaf hier loopt u naar gebouw 92. Parkeren is gratis en u heeft geen uitrijkaart nodig.

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