
Gebouw: 54
Parkeerplaats: 7

Avania is the team that has the regional experience and global expertise to take your product from feasibility all the way through post-approval. Avania is dedicated to driving your product forward. When you partner with Avania, you become part of a company legacy built on more than 30 years of experience.

Avania brings knowledgeable experts together to form a unique CRO that can advance the research of medical devices, novel technology, and combination products. All of this is available across a wide range of therapeutic specialties. This ensures you receive the kind of customized, scalable solutions that will optimize efficiencies and streamline the advancement of your medical technology. And since Avania’s experts are known for providing transparent, open communication, you’ll always have complete project visibility whenever you need it.

Your product is important, and your trial deserves the team that has what it takes. It takes knowledge. It takes passion. It takes commitment. It Takes Avania.



Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10 – G54
3723 MB Bilthoven

Telefoonnummer: 030 229 2727
E-mail: info@avaniaclinical.com

Navigatie adres en route informatie

  • Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10 – Bilthoven
  • Avania is gevestigd in gebouw 54. Hiervoor vervolgt u de route op het park rechtsaf door de slagbomen aan uw rechterhand. Doorrijden tot P7. De parkeerplaatsen staan oplopend genummerd.
  • U staat nu voor gebouw 54. Parkeren is gratis en u heeft geen uitrijkaart nodig.

Bekijk de route op het park: