
Gebouw: 86
Parkeerplaats: 7


About Signifix

Signifix is a consulting company with passionate and experienced consultants in the field of medical devices, cell therapies, human tissues, vaccines and other biological medicines. We are proud to have been successfully serving our (inter)national customer base for more than 15 years.

All our consultants have a strong and diverse industrial background combined with in-depth scientific R&D knowledge. We speak your language and understand your products.

Our regulatory and quality expertise helps in addressing your needs and challenges towards product approval and maintaining compliance.
Signifix’ seasoned and highly skilled professionals have proven track records of successful & timely product development and approval processes in both EU and US, combined with effective implementation of certified quality systems.

Signifix is your partner for Quality and Regulatory compliance in the MedTech and Biotech. We help to bring your innovative medical product to the market.

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Prof. Bronkhorstlaan 10-G86
3723 MB Bilthoven
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)30 229 72 10

Navigatie adres en route informatie

  • Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10 – Bilthoven
  • Signifix is gevestigd in gebouw 86. Hiervoor vervolgt u de route op het park rechtsaf door de slagbomen aan uw rechterhand. Doorrijden tot P7. De parkeerplaatsen staan oplopend genummerd.
  • Vanaf hier loopt u via de rondweg naar gebouw 86. Parkeren is gratis en u heeft geen uitrijkaart nodig.

Bekijk de route op het park